What Are the Most Common Signs of Menopause?

Technically, menopause is the cessation of periods for 12 months. Because estrogen plays a role in…

What Can I Do to Make Perimenopause and Menopause Easier?

Though everyone will have her own unique path through menopause, the following interventions are useful across…

6 Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep Better

1. Peace Patch The Nite Nite patch from the Good Patch is infused with a potent…

What Is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause usually begins somewhere in the early to mid-40s. Cycles can become unpredictable and may be…

Which Nutrients and Supplements Can Help Me Sleep?

ARTICLE SHORTCUTS Melatonin  |  Vitamin D  |  Calcium  |  Magnesium  |  Probiotics  |  CBD  | Herbs …

How to Use Rhodiola for Energy and Focus

This adaptogen supports the adrenals and autonomic nervous system, making it an excellent overall tonic when…

How to Use Eleuthero for Stress Management

Eleuthero (also known as Siberian ginseng) is a flowering shrub. Its root, bark, leaves, and berries…

10 Rules for Aging Well

The post 10 Rules for Aging Well appeared first on Experience Life. https://experiencelife.lifetime.life/podcast/10-rules-for-aging-well/ #loseweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney…

Simply Effective: One Woman’s Skincare Evolution

A few months ago, a professional styled my hair and and did my makeup for the…

5 Markers For Every Health-Conscious Person to Know

Over my last 15 years of working with clients, I’ve found that many of them assume…