How to Handle Food Cravings

The post How to Handle Food Cravings appeared first on Experience Life. #loseweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney…

Does Nitric Oxide Help With Healthy Aging?

The body makes nitric oxide in two ways. Cells lining the blood vessels produce nitric oxide…

How What We Eat Affects Our Sleep (and Vice Versa)

The post How What We Eat Affects Our Sleep (and Vice Versa) appeared first on Experience…

Can Fish Oil Supplements Help Moderate the Inflammation Response?

A high-quality fish oil rich in omega-3s is often one of the top supplements encouraged by…

12 Key Nutrients for Mood Support

Iron is essential for forming hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen from…

8 Ways to Support Your Mental Health With Food

1. Eat More Plants Many traditional foodways offer a helpful framework for upgrading your diet, and…

4 Ways That Nutrition Can Negatively Affect Our Mood

1) Blood Sugar Some of us are more vulnerable to becoming hangry than others, but no…

What Are Macros and Calories?

The post What Are Macros and Calories? appeared first on Experience Life. #loseweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney…

How Much Protein Do I Need as I Age?

Seniors struggling to maintain muscle mass as they age need only venture into their kitchen to…

The Sweet Stuff: All About Sugar and Sugar Alternatives

The post The Sweet Stuff: All About Sugar and Sugar Alternatives appeared first on Experience Life.…