10 Micro Habits to Add to Your Wellness Routine This Spring

Spring often brings with it a feeling of newness, inspiring us to reset habits. Our winter’s…

6 Fitness Experts Share Their Favorite Ways to Practice Self-Care

“Self-care” is a term that’s often misunderstood — partly because there are so many ways to…

Afraid of the Dentist? Try These Strategies to Ease Your Anxiety

A lot of us avoid the dentist — or want to. According to the Cleveland Clinic,…

10 Practices to Get Out Of Your Head and Into the Present

Have you ever spent countless hours in front of your computer forgetting to eat, drink, stretch,…

5 Strategies to Try When You’ve Been Triggered

If you fully intended to deal with your triggers and then life got in the way,…

How to Manage a Trigger Response

Anyone who’s ever shared space with me knows I have a trigger around official-looking mail. Granted,…

A Story of Lifelong Curiosity: Learn, Dream, and Imagine

The post A Story of Lifelong Curiosity: Learn, Dream, and Imagine appeared first on Experience Life.…

How to Become a Pro-Ager

  Explore this article: 6 Strategies to Embrace ProAging 4 Pro Tips for Healthy Aging At…

Love, Purpose, and Genius: How to Tap into Yours

The post Love, Purpose, and Genius: How to Tap into Yours appeared first on Experience Life.…

What Is Social Rest?

Despite how it sounds, the need for social rest doesn’t necessarily mean solitude. It’s about taking…