What Are Senior’s Most Common Mental Health Issues?

A life stage characterized by change and loss as well as wisdom, the senior years present…

What Happens to Your Brain When You Fall in Love

Singers have long crooned that “love is a many-splendored thing,” but now modern brain scans are…

PUMPING IRONY: Movement and Memory

It’s pretty widely accepted these days that exercise promotes cognitive function, so after lifting a couple…

Game On!

I’m a big fan of games. In fact, I recently spent a few days with my…


The cause and treatment of dementia have so flummoxed scientists for so long that we’re now…

PUMPING IRONY: Class and Cognition

Shortly before our nuptials in the spring of 1980, I informed my betrothed that it was…

NATURAL MENTAL HEALTH: Can Lithium Orotate Be Used for Everyday Mood Support?

There is a well in Scotland, called St. Maelrubha’s, where during the Middle Ages the water…

How to Treat Postconcussion Syndrome

Have you ever hit your head so hard you felt foggy, jittery, anxious, dizzy, easily startled?…

Is Doing Housework Good for Your Brain?

It may be time to reconsider our aversion to housecleaning. Analyzing self-reported data from 489 adults…

Brain Health – It’s Worth The Work!

When it comes to our health, it is all too common to think about our bodies,…