
What I Eat on a Plant-Based Diet🌱 #vegandiet #plantbased #wfpb #loseweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitness #diet #healthylifestyle #healthy #health #motivation #weightlosstransformation #nutrition #one #losewe #ght #workout…

6 Fitness Experts Share Their Favorite Ways to Practice Self-Care

“Self-care” is a term that’s often misunderstood — partly because there are so many ways to…

Beyond the Scale: Understanding Measurements of Body Weight

The post Beyond the Scale: Understanding Measurements of Body Weight appeared first on Experience Life.…

How Does Eating Sugar Affect Insulin?

Like glucose, insulin is essential to life. This hormone acts like a key, unlocking cells so…

How to Eat More Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens ( → ) Spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, collard greens   Nutritional Benefits Leafy…

Why We Need More Protein as We Age

When we think about protein, we tend to think of it as a tool to build…

What Is Oral-Systemic Dentistry ?

Historically, Western medicine has treated the mouth as if it were separate from the rest of…

What Is Metabolic Health, Anyway?

The post What <em>Is</em> Metabolic Health, Anyway? appeared first on Experience Life. #loseweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney…

New Study Finds Microplastics Can Cross Blood-Brain Barrier

Microplastics are infiltrating our brains, a new study finds. And the effects should sound an alarm…

Afraid of the Dentist? Try These Strategies to Ease Your Anxiety

A lot of us avoid the dentist — or want to. According to the Cleveland Clinic,…