Why Are My Feet Numb and Tingly?

Possible cause: Peripheral neuropathy

When nerves in the hands and feet are damaged, peripheral neuropathy can result. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, loss of balance, weakness, or a wound on the foot that won’t heal.

Diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) is the most common trigger: High blood-sugar levels can damage nerves over time. Other potential causes include vitamin B12 deficiency, physical injury to the nerves, chemotherapy, medication side effects, drinking too much alcohol, or viral illness.

“I have quite a few patients who ­developed post-COVID peripheral-nerve inflammation and symptoms,” notes Emily Splichal, DPM, a func­tional podiatrist at the Center for Functional and Regenerative Podiatric Medicine in Chandler, Ariz. Shingles is also known to be a potential trigger for neuropathic pain or numbness. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune conditions can contribute by creating inflammation in peripheral nerves.

Key to relief from all these conditions is reducing that inflam­mation. Splichal recommends an anti-inflammatory diet that supports stable blood sugar, nutrient balance, and microcirculation. “All of our blood vessels have tiny branches that go to the nerves, so you need to think of microcirculation to support nerve health,” she says.

Splichal also treats her neuropathy patients with red-light therapy. And some people find transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and acupuncture helpful.

As the literal foundation of our bodies, our feet are crucial to keeping us active and healthy. See “What Your Feet Are Trying to Tell You,” from which this article was excerpted, for more common foot issues and steps to relieving them.

The post Why Are My Feet Numb and Tingly? appeared first on Experience Life.


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