Plenty of guys have asked this simple question at one point or another: “How do I get shredded?” Or it might sound something like, “How do I burn fat?”
Of course, the answer is complicated. There are multiple factors in play when it comes to getting a ripped six-pack and a toned body. But to get you on the right track and help you burn fat in your workouts, we’ve broken down the process into five easily digestible steps.
5 Steps to Shred Layers of Body Fat
1. Work Out in the Morning on an Empty Stomach
Not a morning person? Maybe you should be. If you’re familiar with the term “fasted cardio,” now’s the time to put it to use. Waking up and working out on an empty stomach is key to scorching fat and may help melt away the pounds, according to a recent study published in the journal Physiology.
When researchers conducted the study over six weeks, they separated men into three groups. The first group increased its caloric intake by 20 percent while half performed exercises and the rest remained inactive. The second group scheduled a workout post-breakfast, and the last group followed the exact same workout routine at the crack of dawn.
They found that the first group gained nearly six pounds, the second hiked up about three pounds, and the last group not only stayed the same weight, but also burned more fat throughout the day.
Slashing your carbohydrate intake will certainly help with dropping the pounds (and dropping them fast).
To try it, gradually decrease your total carb intake by 25g each day for a week. That way, your body can acclimate as it operates on less while dropping weight.
Louise Lyshøj / Unsplash
Want to see the fat really fall off? Train with weights. Lifting is a crucial component if you’re looking to burn fat, and according to a study published in the journal Obesity, it’s more effective for maintaining a flat stomach than cardio.
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health studied the physical activity, waist circumference, and bodyweight of nearly 11,000 healthy American men age 40 and over. The researchers analyzed which activities had the greatest effect on participants’ waistlines over a 12-year period, and they found the answer to fending off stomach fat.
Turns out men who got 20 minutes of daily weight training gained less abdominal fat as they aged compared with men who spent the same time hitting the pavement.
Victor Freitas / Unsplash
While fruit is great, it’s also full of sugar. Prioritizing greens in your meals will provide you with key nutrients and antioxidants while also reducing your sugar, carb, and total calorie intake. One apple has 125 calories and 25g of carbs. One large red pepper has 40 calories and 5g of carbs. See what we mean?
Scott Warman / Unsplash
Proper nutrition is essential for making your workouts count. Plan to consume some carbohydrates post-workout to replenish your glycogen levels and restore your energy reserves for the next training session. To build muscle, consuming post-workout protein is essential: Protein helps repair and rebuild your muscles. The amino acids in protein are the building blocks of muscle, and true growth cannot occur if you don’t feed them.
For quality recovery meals, try a protein shake with fruit or tuna on whole-wheat toast. The amount of carbohydrates and protein you need mostly depends on your weight, your workout, and your fitness goals. In general, consuming 20–40g of protein is a good number to aim for. (Talk to a dietitian to get a more accurate read on exactly how much you need.)
bbernard / Shutterstock
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