What are the Warning Signs of Orthorexia?

1. Do I avoid social situations due to my food restrictions?

2. Are my food rules inter­fering with my ability to adequately nourish my body or enjoy life?

3. Does the condition of my skin, hair, nails, energy, and mood suggest that my body is happy with my current eating strategy?

4. What are my feelings and beliefs regarding my own restrictions around food? What do I feel I’m allowed to, not allowed to, or must eat? What do I think might happen if I relax my standards?

5. When did I originally begin restricting or avoiding this food — and why?

6. Which of my food exclusions are based on demonstrated biological evidence and which are values-based ideals?

7. Are there any foods that I enjoy, find nourishing, and can physically tolerate that I’ve eliminated in the quest to be a “perfect” or “clean” eater?

8. Could I begin reincorporating one or more excluded foods in the service of my health and happiness — or even as an experiment?

On Orthorexia

A fixation on healthy eating can have unhealthy consequences. Discover how to identify the problem and reshape your relationship with food at “Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes an Obsession,” from which this article was excerpted.

The post What are the Warning Signs of Orthorexia? appeared first on Experience Life.


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