10 Micro Habits to Add to Your Wellness Routine This Spring

Spring often brings with it a feeling of newness, inspiring us to reset habits. Our winter’s hibernation is over and the longer days, warmer temperatures, and promise of summer tend to make us spring into action.

While it’s tempting at this time of year to set lofty goals, sometimes it’s the smaller actions taken daily that can really elevate your regimen and help you to gradually sustain healthy change.

Take inspiration and direction from six Life Time experts who share the micro habits they add to their routines in the spring:

1. Enjoy your morning coffee outdoors.

— Anika Christ, senior director of nutrition and weight loss at Life Time

Once the sun starts rising earlier and the temperatures become warmer, I tend to take my coffee outside to drink first thing in the morning so I can also get sunlight in my eyes (which is great for your circadian rhythm) and fresh air in my lungs. This is hard to do during the darker, colder, winter months, so I take advantage of this come spring — and continue to do it through the summer and fall.

I also habit stack this by adding a scoop of LTH Prime Collagen Peptides to my coffee. That gives me 19 grams of protein early in the day! If I’m feeling in the mood for it, I’ll further habit stack with some breathwork outside as well.

2. Eat a high-protein breakfast.

— Jason Kelmer, Dynamic Personal Training leader at Life Time King of Prussia in Wayne, Pa.

As we transition to spring, we’re often pulled in different directions with activities and obligations that were absent from our schedules in the winter. This can often lead to rash decisions with food choices as we’re on the go. Focusing on protein intake early in the day is a helpful strategy for staying on track.

A high-protein breakfast helps to stabilize your blood sugar (avoiding the ups and downs that can lead to cravings) and, for many, it’s motivation to continue with healthy eating for the other two meals of the day. Your protein-forward breakfast could consist of whole foods or for a quick, easy, and portable option, make a delicious shake with LTH Build Whey+ All-In-One or other LTH protein powder.

3. Keep your phone out of your bedroom.

— Samantha McKinney, RD, CPT, national program manager for nutrition, metabolism, and weight loss at Life Time

Get a real alarm clock (or a light-to-wake alarm) in your bedroom. As the days get longer, you might find it harder to wind down at night. One of the best things you can do is keep the stimulation of technology, social media, and notifications — as well as the blue light they emit — away from your sleep space to help lock in a consistent bedtime and restful night’s sleep.

4. Drink a little more water.

— Roz Frydberg, group fitness coach and ARORA lead at Life Time Woodbridge in Ontario, Canada

In the springtime, especially, I strive to increase my water intake. My activity level tends to increase as the days get longer, and I know I’ll sweat more as the weather warms — both of which increase hydration demands.

The best way I’ve found to accomplish this is to add variety to the types of water I’m drinking. The first bottle of water I prepare before leaving my house is infused with magnesium bisglycinate, vitamin C, and LTH Hydrate (I like the lemon-lime flavor). I then switch to plain water (but cold, I love cold water) throughout the rest of the day. And before I go to bed, I’ll have a cup of warm water.

5. Make small transitions from hygge to lively.

— Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC, a holistic performance coach with Life Time Mind

Wintertime in Minnesota (where I live) usually prompts me toward cozy routines in which the blankets are piled on and the pace slows down. Come springtime, I am ready to gearshift into more action-oriented habits. For example, before my typical morning journaling, I tend to wake my body up through a series of yoga asanas. I also tend to shift from doing my daily workouts midday (my winter routine) to doing them in the mornings. With sunrise coming a little earlier, my circadian rhythm seems to shift right along with it — I go from morning “slump” to morning “jump” naturally this time of year!

6. Wear a wide-brimmed hat.

— Roz Frydberg

I love walking outside, so as soon as the weather warms up, I keep a hat in my office at Life Time and another one in my car to throw on during my walks to help protect myself from the sun.

I love also using the Daily Defense Tinted SPF by Eminence Organics (which you can find at the LifeSpa) for sun protection. It’s light, sweat-proof, and so easy to apply — even when I drive, the left side of my face is exposed to the sun, so I always be sure to have this SPF on. I had basal cell carcinoma a few years ago, so I’m never going capless or SPF-less ever again!

7. Add LTH Rewind Collagen Elixir to your daily supplement routine.

— Samantha McKinney

These tasty, daily shots of collagen are my favorite way to support my skin and joint health. Because you take it as a shot, it’s a habit you can do that only takes about five seconds of your day. They contain targeted collagen peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid — along with an ingredient called Lutemax®, which is sourced from marigold extract and offers some extra skin protection from the increased sunlight most of us are exposed to in springtime.

8. Go for a daily walk outside.

— Jason Kelmer

Walking, in my opinion, is one of the most underrated additions to a solid fitness routine. It can also greatly assist in body-composition change, which is a common goal during this time of year. Beyond increasing your chances of achieving your fitness goals, walking can also positively support your mental health, with added benefits when you do it outdoors. The winter months can be a drag for most of us, so get outside and walk!

9. Add new points of social connection.

— Barbara Powell

I have a natural pull toward newness in the spring and a willingness to let go of old habits, which for me, usually includes a more regular commitment to social activity. My winter hibernation tendencies melt into a greater desire for connection. Therefore, I make it a habit to text, call, and have more face-to-face time with friends.

10. Go to bed at the same time every night.

— Makoto Matsuo, Dynamic Personal Trainer and lead general at Life Time Sky (Manhattan) in New York.

Good sleep isn’t just about getting enough sleep. It’s about maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, which includes going to bed at the same time every night. Irregular sleep patterns can be more disruptive to health than simply getting less than eight hours of sleep at night.

Daylight savings shifts our routines in the spring and can lead to inconsistent sleep patterns, which can throw off our body’s natural rhythm — which affects our energy, mood, and recovery. Set a firm bedtime (I personally like to aim for 9:30 p.m.) to help your body adjust and to support better sleep quality and overall well-being.

The post 10 Micro Habits to Add to Your Wellness Routine This Spring appeared first on Experience Life.


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