If you’re overdoing cardio for fat loss, you’re making a common weight loss mistake so many women make! This is especially true if when it comes to weight loss for women over 40 since we’ve always been told to burn more calories with cardio exercise.
Sustainable weight loss comes down to a balanced routine that you enjoy and that you’ll continue. So is cardio necessary for fat loss? HECK NO! Especially if you hate it!
A cardio workout for women is a good idea to improve health, and it can provide a small boost to overall calorie burn. But when you ask things like – how much cardio should I do to lose weight, you could miss out on burning more NEAT calories on your weight loss diet if you tire yourself out with too much formal cardio.
A good weight loss tip to follow for your fitness routine is to focus on more NEAT calorie burn by staying active throughout the day. This works better than exhausting yourself on cardio machines since a NEAT calorie deficit is hundreds to thousands per day, while a traditional "weight loss workout" is maybe a few hundred at best.
Want to learn even more weight loss mistakes, including more cardio mistakes, so you don’t keep making them? Be sure to follow: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCouUtatXGhhhvehUosxeavw?sub_confirmation=1
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