These are 5 scientifically proven ways to build muscle faster while sleeping. There actually are certain things like casein that allow you to speed up the rate of muscle gains while sleeping. This video details a step by step process to accomplish just that.
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What if you could increase your rate of muscle growth while you sleep? Since most people spend at least 6 to 9 hours sleeping every night this could lead to exponentially faster results. You see while you’re asleep your muscles are able to relax fully and your body releases certain favorable hormones for muscle growth and repair. So muscle recovery and repair is automatically made one of the top priorities for your body. At the same time, you sleep and there are 5 powerful things you can do to enhance the muscle protein synthesis process and get the best recovery possible while dozing off and counting sheep.
And the first simple way that you can improve muscle growth while sleeping is by eating Protein Before Going to Bed. By having some protein before going to bed whether in the form of a casein protein shake or real food like cottage cheese, doing so will likely increase your rate of protein synthesis while decreasing muscle protein breakdown. You see at the end of the day protein within your body is primarily used as the building block of all of your muscle. When you go for an extended period of time without eating food, your body will eventually run out of amino acids, meaning that it has to break down some of the amino acids found in tissues like muscle. On the other hand when you have a steady supply of new amino acids while you sleep your body has no need to break down muscle tissue and instead is able to repair and grow muscles that need to recover more efficiently.
There are many studies available that show that consuming protein before bed can speed up muscle development. One of these studies for example, gauged the impact of pre-sleep protein intake on healthy young men. (3) They were all instructed to perform an evening weightlifting session and after the workout, all of the men were given 20 grams of protein. However 30 minutes before bed only half of the participants were given a protein shake containing 40 grams of casein protein while the other half the participants just went to sleep. And researchers were able to observe that the group that took the casein shake showed elevated muscle protein synthesis rates. These results suggested that post-workout recovery is boosted by protein consumption. However, the issue with this study, is that we don’t know if that increase in muscle growth is the result of just consuming more protein and calories overall or if it’s specific to consuming protein directly before going to bed. So we have another study where again young men were put through a 12-week resistance training program. During this time all the men in the study stuck to a daily protein intake of 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (4) The only difference between participants was that one group was given a pre-sleep shake consisting of 27.5 grams of protein and 15 grams of carbohydrates, while the control group received a placebo drink with no protein.
Ultimately the results showed that the group consuming the protein shake experienced significantly superior muscle strength and size enhancements. So, it’s very likely that consuming protein before going to bed will benefit muscle growth. So much so that the “International Society of Sports Nutrition concluded that “casein protein at a rate of about 30 to 40 grams of protein prior to bed can acutely increase muscle protein synthesis and resting metabolic rate throughout the night.” (5) So if you’re watching this before going to bed please keep in mind that all these references specifically refer to casein protein. While you likely will experience benefits with other protein sources as well, including whey, casein might be the superior protein source to have before bed. The reason for this is that casein protein gets absorbed slower than other protein sources especially fast-absorbing ones like whey protein.
This provides you with a more steady and long-lasting supply of amino acids while you’re sleeping allowing you to repair and build more muscle while sleeping without the need to intake more amino acids. Remember that casein isn’t only found in a protein shake, you can get it from foods especially dairy-based products like cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and milk.
Now another compelling way to build far more muscle while dozing off in bed is by getting enough sleep and many people don’t like to hear this because they don’t get enough sleep consistently. However, this is an extremely low-hanging fruit, and the impact on your ability to build muscle at a faster rate is hugely influenced by how much quality sleep you get. For example, in a study that I’ve mentioned…
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