10 Tips to Increase Your Pushups FAST

10 Tips to Increase Your Pushups FAST

Learn how to do more pushups fast. These tips will help you increase your pushups and the total amount of reps you can complete without getting tired. Not only do pushups help you get stronger but push ups also are great for your chest. This video is great for anyone trying to master the pushup whether you’re a beginner or advanced.
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Pushups require the strength of your chest, shoulders, triceps, and even your core, so it’s no surprise that the number of pushups that you can do is closely linked to the strength of your upper body. That’s why pushups are used to test overall physical fitness by organizations like police, military, and even at schools in gym classes. Pushups can also build up your upper body any equipment…they can even be done at home. So today I want to share 10 major tips that helped me literally five to 10x the number of pushups I could do. 

And the first important thing to do is make sure that you’re performing the push up correctly with proper form. Now I know this may sound like common sense, but you wouldn’t believe how many people I’ve worked with that think they know, but they actually don’t know how to perform pushups properly. One of the most common mistakes that I’ve seen is when someone doesn’t brace their core and that causes their spine to round either up or down rather than stay in a neutral position. Not only can this lead to a lower back injury but it can also actually make the exercise easier when you drop your hips or harder when you raise them. Another common mistake is flaring your elbows out too far, you want them at about a 45-degree angle from your body. A good tip to prevent your elbows from flaring out is to slightly rotate your hands outward before planting them on the ground for pushups. This will naturally rotate your elbows inward. One last mistake that you might make if you’re a beginner is positioning your hands too narrow, which is great for overloading the triceps but it will reduce the number of reps that you can do overall. So the way to do pushups correctly is by first getting down on all fours with your hands slightly rotated outward and spreading them slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Then plant your toes into the ground behind you, get into a pushup position, while squeezing your core and glutes so that the back of your head your hips, and your heels end up in a relatively straight line. Then bend your elbows and lower your body down until your chest is right above the ground and finally push yourself back up until your elbows are straightened. 

Now the next tip to increase your pushups is many times overlooked even though it’s the lowest hanging fruit, which is to lose body fat. There are a couple reasons why gymnasts and people that are good at calisthenics have low body fat percentages and one of the most obvious benefits is that they have to overcome less resistance when moving their bodies. The same is true for the push-up. The more you weigh, the harder it’ll be. And the less you weigh, the easier it’ll be. This is actually contrary to the bench press, where people are generally stronger the heavier they are. This is because, unlike a pushup, bench pressing doesn’t force you to lift your body weight. And to get a better idea we can look at a study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that found that, on average, you have to push up about 64 percent of your body weight when doing push-ups. (1) So if you weigh lets say 200 pounds you’ll have to push through 128lbs of resistance, meanwhile if you weigh 150 pounds you’ll only have to overcome 96 pounds of resistance. So, it’s obvious if you want to be able to do more push-ups, lose excess body fat and I have a ton of videos that can help with that that i’ll link to this video. 

Another tip that can help those of you that are advanced, as well as those of you that are beginners, is to use Kneeling and Incline Push-Ups. Since you have to press up about 64% of your body weight when doing a regular push-up a lot of that weight will be taken off when performing pushups from your knees or with your hands placed on higher inclines. Specifically, the same study found that during kneeling pushups you’re only lifting about 49 percent of your body weight and during elevated pushups, it can drop to 41 percent or even lower. So, it’s pretty obvious how this can help beginners. If you can’t do a regular push-up yet, you could get started with kneeling or incline push-ups and progress from there. But even if you’re advanced when you push yourself to failure it’s very effective to drop to your knees and squeeze out a few additional reps especially if you haven’t hit your rep target before giving out. This is actually very similar to performing a drop set when lifting weights and drop sets are very effective for gaining strength and size…


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