9 Exercises for a CHISELED Inner Chest Line

9 Exercises for a CHISELED Inner Chest Line

These are the 9 BEST exercises for a chiseled inner chest line. If your chest lacks definition in the center this inner chest workout video will help. Learn how to build a bigger chest to make your pecs look more attractive.

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The inner portion of your chest is just a small part of a much bigger muscle known as the pectoralis major, and the fact of the matter is you can’t contract just the inner portion of your chest, without also contracting the rest of the pectoralis major as well. Meaning there is no true way to fully isolate only the inner chest without also working the rest. However, with that said, there are still inner chest specific exercises that put more tension on that center portion of your chest where your pecs attach to the sternum. By performing these exercises and by using something known as the mind-muscle connection to mentally focus on overloading the inner portion of your pecs you can definitely build up and improve your inner chest line leaving you with a fuller, and more defined looking chest. 
So let’s go over my 7 favorite inner chest exercises starting with the smith machine double D handle press. To perform this exercise you’ll need a smith machine where the bar is locked into a set vertical path so that you’re not worried about balancing the bar throughout the movement. You’ll also need a double d-handle which is the same handle that you use when doing t-bar rows. To begin you’ll position a bench near the center of the barbell as if you were about to do regular barbell presses. Then instead of lying parallel to the bench, you’re going to lay perpendicular. So the same position you would be in for pullovers. Once you’re in that position you’re going to place the center of the double d handle against the center of the barbell with your hands directly in line with your shoulders. Next, lift the bar up, unrack it by turning out, and slowly lower down to your chest. Stop about an inch above your chest and press back up. Then repeat for reps. To make this exercise even more effective concentrate on squeezing the two sides of the double d handle together the whole time. Also as you get stronger and start using heavier weights, it’s best to have a spotter to help you unrack and re-rack the bar.

Next is the cable hex press. My favorite thing about this exercise is the crazy constant tension that it puts on your chest. From the moment you start until you put the cables down, there’s a constant force trying to separate your hands. And just by resisting that force, you’re going to get great activation and an amazing pump especially on the inside of your chest. So you’ll start by adjusting the pulleys to the bottom of the cable cross, and then you’ll place a bench in the middle, making sure that the cables wind up being about even with your nipple line when you lay down. I recommend you set the bench at an incline angle, but this exercise also works well when performed at a flat angle. Either way, once you’re laying down with both cables in your hands, bring your hands together until they touch right above the center of your chest. From there you’re simply going to press straight up while focusing on squeezing your hands together the whole time. Then just before your elbows lockout, you’ll slowly lower the cables back down towards your sternum, still focusing on squeezing your hands together. Then press back up and repeat for reps. 
Another excellent cable exercise for the inner part of your chest is the crossbody cable press. You’ve probably seen this exercise performed on a hammer strength machine to focus more either on the upper chest or the inner pecs. However, arguably an even more effective way to get a better pump around the center of your chest is by using cables thanks to the free range of motion and constant tension that cables can provide. So to perform this exercise with the cables you’ll first position a bench next to a cable crossover machine and set the pully at a height that’s about even with your chest when seated. Then instead of sitting straight back, you’re going to turn towards one side so that you’re facing the cable handle. From there you’re going to grab the handle with the arm that’s closer to the bench. Then you’re going to press the weight across your body until your elbow is almost fully extended. At that point, you want to really squeeze for a second before lowering the weight back towards your chest and repeating for reps. 
The next exercise is the svend press and if this is your first time seeing this, it’s not going to look like a very orthodox chest exercise, but I promise you that it works very well, and if you save this for the end of your chest workout and you do it correctly it will be very effective. Begin by standing straight up with your chest out, your shoulders back, and your feet about shoulder-width apart.